1. Token Distribution
Total Supply: The total supply of AIA tokens is 7.89 billion, locked in a smart contract with a balanced distribution over 1000 years.
Token Allocation for Computing Power Platform:
Holding Token Power: 1.9 billion AIA, with an annual output of 0.019 billion AIA, distributed daily.
Promotional Computing Power: 5.5 billion AIA, with an annual output of 0.055 billion AIA.
Computing Power Rewards: 490 million AIA, distributed evenly over 100 years.
2. Computing Power Calculation
Holding Token Power: Calculated using a reverse-weighted ranking algorithm. Users holding a certain amount of AIA tokens can participate and earn daily holding token power AIA. The formula for computing power rewards is: HoldingPowerEarnings=YourRank/TotalNetworkRankSum×DailyHoldingPowerOutputHolding Power Earnings
Promotional Computing Power: Calculated based on the performance of promotional users. Promotional computing power rewards depend on a user's position and contribution in the network.
3. Computing Power Acceleration and Expansion Mechanisms
Computing Power Acceleration Card: Tokens can be used to purchase acceleration cards, which increase the holding power by a certain coefficient, expanding the user's total holding power.
Referral User Power Expansion: Referral users can expand their computing power by achieving higher expansion coefficients. The more direct referrals made, the higher the expansion factor, which in turn increases the total holding power.
4. Computing Power Rewards
Daily rewards are provided to the top 100 users in different categories:
New Promotional Power: The top 100 new promotional power users.
Most Direct Referrals: The top 100 users with the most direct referrals.
Best Holding Power Users: The users with the best holding power on the snapshot of the day.
The reward distribution is based on users' rankings and contributions in the network. The detailed rules include:
New Promotional Computing Power: Rewards are allocated according to the rank of new computing power, where the reward is a share of the total new power contribution.
New Direct Referrals: Rewards are distributed based on the number of direct referrals made, with the reward portion proportional to the user's share of direct referrals.
Holding Token Power: Users whose holding power meets the daily snapshot requirement will share in the rewards, distributed equally among eligible users.
5. Computing Power Flash Exchange Mechanism
Flash Exchange: Supports the flash exchange of native EVM chain coins and USDT to AIA holding power. After the exchange, users can earn 2x the AIA rewards.
Withdrawal Rules: The flash-exchanged computing power is subject to a destruction mechanism for withdrawals within 360 days. After 360 days, the withdrawal conditions are determined by the number of addresses under the user's umbrella:
If the number of umbrella addresses is ≥ 256, no destruction occurs upon withdrawal.
If the number of umbrella addresses is < 256, a 30% interest fee is charged upon withdrawal, and the destroyed portion is burned.
6. Destruction Mechanism
Fee Destruction: A 1% transaction fee is directly burned when computing power is withdrawn.
Price Drop Impact: If the token price falls by certain percentages, the computing power rewards for the day will be burned:
If the price drop is 20%, 50% of the daily computing power rewards are destroyed.
If the price drop is 50%, 70% of the daily computing power rewards are destroyed.
Monthly Destruction: If the price drop reaches 100% in a month, 20% of the daily computing power rewards will be destroyed for the entire month.
7. AISN Mechanism Value
Genesis Mother Coin: Users who participate in the Genesis Mother Coin gain a 1000-year minting privilege, with the potential for long-term token value appreciation.
Enhanced User Growth: The AISN mechanism is designed to facilitate self-growth by spreading large holders, encouraging network-wide participation, and automatically triggering growth. It also promotes human-centric lock-in strategies, leading to a higher AIA token holding volume and driving token price increases.
ISN Consensus: 5% of the daily output from the ISN consensus enters the AIA chain's ISN Consensus Charity Fund address, which is dedicated to charitable causes and ecosystem development.
Example Of Calculation
In summary, the AISN mechanism is structured to create a self-enhancing ecosystem through a combination of computing power generation, token burning, acceleration and expansion strategies, and incentivizing user participation. This framework aims to foster sustainable growth while maintaining control over token supply and network activity through various reward and destruction systems.
Last updated